Posted In Lingerie Sets
PoppyMclean reviews
What Katie Did 1950’s polka dot bra and high waisted knickers

Posted In Lingerie Sets
10th December 2023
As we bid farewell to another remarkable week of festive cheer, the spotlight turns to the fabulous PoppyMclean as she takes centre stage, immersing herself in the holiday spirit as she unboxes and reviews a carefully curated selection of lingerie and hosiery. Join us for this grand finale of the week, as Poppy brings her unique flair to the world of festive fashion. Another lingerie set for Poppy up next but will she love this What Katie Did 1950's polka dot bra and high waisted knickers as much as the teal set just reviewed?
"This is the first time for me trying some vintage style lingerie and just look at the beautiful colour."
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