Posted In Bodysuits and Teddies, Subscription Boxes
Aurora Phoenix reviews
Project Lingerie 12 month ‘The Lingerie’ subscription – Box 10

Posted In Bodysuits and Teddies, Subscription Boxes
26th May 2023
We received disappointing news that Rowan has recently closed down Project Lingerie, which is a real shame. We want to express our sincere appreciation for the exceptional products we received through her lingerie subscription boxes. The team thoroughly enjoyed the experience of discovering and indulging in the treats that accompanied each box as you'll see for the rest of this week. Aurora Phoenix has her final 3 boxes to share with us this week and we start off with Box 10 today.
"Oh my gosh this is so cute, I would be tempted to wear this out in the summer! It's got this gorgeous lace and what a stunning design."
Aurora Phoenix
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