Posted In Bodysuits and Teddies
Miss Black Reign reviews
ASOS fuller bust Conna underwire lace body with diamante
Posted In Bodysuits and Teddies
28th December 2022
Last month we gave Miss Black Reign a couple of gifts for her Birthday in November so she could review them for us. It's a nice way for us to say thank you to the team and remember you can always gift our presenters anytime of the year from their personally selected Amazon wish lists. So onto the first of the two gifts we sent her and Miss Black has an ASOS fuller bust Conna underwire lace body with diamante detailing as who doesn't like a little bit of bling! Filmed in 4K.
"We have some silver hardware which works better than having gold as that would not go well with the diamante detailing which is very nice."
Miss Black Reign
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