Lucinda has given us permission to publish this message she shared with her Instagram followers.
"October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It won’t happen to me I hear you say, I’m too young, I’m fit and healthy, I’ve never smoked and I rarely drink alcohol. No one in my family has ever had cancer so I don’t need to worry. I’m sorry to say this but cancer does not care about any of those things, it does not discriminate."
"55,000 women and 370 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK. With 10,000 of those being under the age of 50. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the UK. Early detection is key, it’s so important that you are regularly checking yourself. And breast cancer is not just a lump, check the nipples, have they suddenly changed shape, do you have a rash or discharge, have they gone inverted. Has the skin on the breast puckered, like orange skin. Have your breasts suddenly changed shape or size, do you have pain in them."
"It’s vital that you get to know your body and notice any new changes. And please go and get checked out if you’re worried. If the doctors try and fob you off or won’t see you, go to another doctor and get a second opinion. Don’t let them tell you you’re too young! I was 32 when I had my first primary diagnosis and now I’m 37 dealing with a second."
"The good news is that so many more are surviving this awful disease. But still around 31 women are dying every single day. So the more awareness we raise the better. And fundraising is vital for research and getting more and better drugs available. You will see lots of cute pink, fluffy pictures this month. But let’s not forget the real reason for breast cancer awareness month. The reality of it and all the women and men fighting for there lives every single day. Sicker than you can imagine on chemotherapy."
"Let’s remember all the women and men that have lost there lives from this awful disease, and those now coming to terms with terminal breast cancer. And to all the survivors that now live in fear that the cancer will come back again."

Lucinda - A breast cancer survivor
Statistics and for more information please visit Breast Cancer Now, the research and care charity.
On behalf of everyone here at Lingerie Lowdown, we are sending our wishes and support for Lucinda who is currently going through more chemotherapy as she fights her second breast cancer diagnosis. She's beaten breast cancer before and we know she can do it again. Lucinda gave us permission to share this recent photo above with you all to show that she is fighting again to beat it.
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