All this week we’re doubling up on everything with our incredible duet reviews. In fact we’ve literally doubled up because you’ll be getting two weeks of duets as the team have been so busy filming reviews for you. Up next we have a lovely couple of reviews from fellow presenters Alicia and Frankii Wilde who've got some more items from the Iris & Lilly brand which is the Amazon lingerie brand. Come and join us today to get the lowdown on some Iris & Lilly microfibre cheeky hipster briefs. They both have the same product, just a different colour with red for Alicia and black for Frankii. Will they like the fit and style of the hipster briefs? Watch today's review in full and find out.
"They are alright but... maybe it's just down to the style. If I wanted an everyday pack of briefs I'd go to Marks and Spencer."
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