We thought it’s about time we catch up with the the presenters who are enjoying their lingerie subscriptions from the UK brand Project Lingerie. For those of you new here, we’ve been treating a number of the team to a variety of 12 month subscriptions from this UK based online service, it’s the gift that keeps giving! Bex White is revealing more than usual with the contents of her latest box from Project Lingerie but she's so happy to review what's inside her 12 month 'The Temptation' subscription service. So come and join us today to find out what’s inside box number 10 and then find out if she likes the overall design and fit of the stunning set and accessories inside.
"Now I'm excited already, look at that! Absolutely gorgeous, all those lovely strap details and if you've seen my reviews before you'll know I love straps."
Bex White
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