Another day full of some real surprise items in terms of the quality of the garments based on their price. The brand in question is SHEIN and all week we've certainly seen some great bargains and yes the odd fail but at these prices it just might be worth taking a punt with this brand. Come and join us today and see what Sophia Smith thinks of this SHEIN criss-cross ladder cut out lingerie set which was less than a fiver! Is it really any good? Well you know that Sophia won't hold back in her review today. As always, she's filmed the review exclusively in stunning 4K to bring you the very best in detailed reviews.
“Oh my, look at the colour of this, that colour is stunning. It's two kind of greens, we have an emerald green and then the straps are more a jewelled green. It's not finished very well but I'll sort that later."
Sophia Smith
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