Posted In Bodysuits and Teddies
Miss Black Reign reviews
Secrets & Desires Sara French tulle bodysuit with ruffles

Posted In Bodysuits and Teddies
11th January 2021
We are delighted to be showcasing a brand that's new to the team here at Lingerie Lowdown and it's another small independent clothing label created for women by women. Our first presenter to sample the delights of the brand Secrets & Desires is Miss Black Reign and she has a couple of items to review today for you all. So come and join us for the first review which features the beautiful Sara French tulle bodysuit with ruffles and what an impression this brand makes on our gorgeous Miss Black.
"This is amazing, first off it strikes a really nice balance between sexy and pretty. The ruffles makes is pretty but the black tulle makes it very sexy."
Miss Black Reign
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