A new week and we begin by taking a look at some of the recent lingerie parcels that have arrived on the doorsteps of some of the presenters for whom we treated them to 12 month subscriptions to a range of Project Lingerie box sets for them to try. Think of subscription services like this as your very own personal shopper and in fact Rowan who founded Project Lingerie loves to personally select the items you get in your little boxes each month to offer that truly personal service. Come and join us today to admire a beautiful lingerie 4-piece set that Frankii Wilde is reviewing today. It's the Project Lingerie 12 month 'The Siren' cup sized subscription box and it's her third gift box and so far Frankii has not been disappointed and we have a feeling this will be another sensational set again. As many of the team have said before, this is the gift that just keeps giving.
"OMG it's like Christmas when these come through. Project Lingerie choose the lingerie and send it to you every month and the previous two boxes have been sensational and I have the Siren cup size 12 month subscription.”
Frankii Wilde
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