We're back today with Kelli Smith's 7 Day Challenge being published all this week. We gave her £100 and asked her to purchase herself, 7 different lingerie and/or hosiery items. The key to this challenge is that the presenter has to spend it all, getting as close to the £100 as best they can! It's Day 5, Kelli has purchased another item from Boux Avenue, this time a neutral mix boux lace seam free thong. Come and join us today to see if you can still see the thong under her tight fitted dress. Remember to come back tomorrow for Day 6. As with all 7 Day Challenges, Kelli will have to pick her favourite at the end of the week, but will you agree with her?
“So these look nice and something a little simple as I was interested to see how the seamfree thong looks like under an item of clothing."
Kelli Smith
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