We continue with Angel White's new 7 Day Challenge today. Black opaque tights are a must have item in any women's hosiery collection so we gave Angel 7 different brands from cheap through to luxury to see which brand she'd love the most. So for Day 3 we treated Angel to the most expensive pantyhose she'll be wearing this week and it's a pair of Wolford velvet de luxe 66 comfort tights. Come and join us today to get Angel's reaction to them as she's never had Wolford before. Remember to come back tomorrow for Day 4 and at the end of the week, Angel will be picking her favourite but will you agree with her decision? All filmed exclusively in 4K for our loyal members to enjoy even more detail in our reviews.
“WOW! They feel ridiculously soft and they are amazing. You can tell they are high quality and I will take back what I said about not paying £26 for a pair of tights.”
Angel White
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