Today we are bringing you some reviews from a collection of our newest presenters and we’re also super excited that there will be two brand new faces joining the team today. Our next review now features the first of our two new presenters and we are delighted to introduce the gorgeous Gigi Diamond to our members today. Gigi is our very first Polish presenter and she's a burlesque performer which has given her an incredible self love for her bodyshape. We applaud her incredible energy which you'll see in her first review for us which features a boohoo plus lace satin bodysuit. So please join us today and give Gigi Diamond a big warm welcome because she's super excited to be joining the best review team in the world.
“This is so beautiful but the biggest surprise is the lace on the back which looks so beautiful. It's so beautiful this lace and I can't wait to put it on."
Gigi Diamond
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