We’ve got some great hosiery products today for you, from Crazy4New (C4N) who are a high end fashion boutique from China who sell products from all the big names in fashion but now they have branched out to provide their own branding items which can be purchase from their Amazon store. Sophia Smith gets her hands on some Crazy4New 130 denier leggings which are perfect to keep you warm at this time of year. Come and join us today to get Sophia's thoughts on the product and to see if she would recommend this brand to you. As an extra bonus, all of the reviews today have been filmed exclusively in 4K for our members to truly enjoy the very best product reviews.
“They feel amazing, yes I get to wear thick tights. The waistband is long, OMG it's so long but I just know it's going to be comfy because it's so soft. I already love these!"
Sophia Smith
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