Posted In Nipple Covers
Stephanie Bonham Carter reviews
unbranded crystal nipple pasties and sequin star nipple pasties

Posted In Nipple Covers
1st December 2018
Stephanie Bonham Carter is here for the first of several reviews coming up this month as we celebrate the festive period. What could be more festive than covering your nipples with some crystal pasties, or little sequin star shaped nipple covers? Well you are in safe hands today as the lovely Stephanie Bonham Carter puts them both on to the test to see which ones she prefers. Come and join us today and enjoy two reviews as Stephanie tries on the different nipple covers for you.
“So we have... crystal boobies! I'm so excited. I was asked if I was OK with reviewing pasties and I said yes I'm totally up for that."
Stephanie Bonham Carter
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